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INTEK INC. - Hitesh Mohan


Hitesh Mohan - INTEK INC.

Sr. Vice President, has more than 29 years of experience in petroleum engineering and public policy consulting, including design, management, and performance of numerous energy market, infrastructure vulnerability, resiliency and logistics studies and policy analyses. He provided critical post-hurricane infrastructure impact and resiliency assessment for the US DOE during and immediately following Superstorm Sandy. He has also managed INTEK’s Regional Fuels Resiliency Study; PADD V Refined Petroleum Product Reserve Feasibility Study (2015). He has a B.Tech in Mining Machinery from the Indian School of Mines and M.S. in Petroleum Engineering from University of Kansas. He was awarded the 2008-2009 SPE Regional Service Award and serves as Program Chair for National Capital Section.


Jhonathan Pumarejo


Jhonathan Pumarejo

Ingeniero de Software y Gerente de Proyectos con más de 8 años de experiencia en Tecnologías de Tiempo Real para Fullstream y Transformación Digital. Actualmente Representante de BHGE para la región LATAM de Tecnologías Digitales, creando ambientes colaborativos Cliente-Empresa de Servicios, orientados a la adopción exitosa de nuevas tecnologías basadas en Big Data y Analítica de Datos.

Karina Estrella Baker Hughes a GE Company


Karina Estrella

Ingeniera de petróleos con Maestría en gestión de petróleo y gasSe desempeña como Lead Reservoir Engineer de Baker Hughes – a GE Company, en el área de Geociencias en Ingeniería de Petróleos. Ofrece soporte a las aplicaciones de las Líneas de Producto de BHGE tanto en Ecuador como en la región.



  19/09/2019    [current-page:node:field_hora_del_evento]
  Hotel Sheraton Quito


SPE Ecuador Section y Baker Hughes – a GE Company, te invitan al evento del mes de Septiembre 2019 que incluye, nuevamente, una Conferencia Distinguished Lecturer y dos presentaciones Técnicas:


1. Primera presentación: Conferencia Distinguished Lecturer

INTEK INC. - Hitesh Mohan

“How Resilient Are We?

An Examination of the Vulnerabilities of Upstream and Downstream Infrastructure to Natural Disasters and its Mitigation Effort”.


Abstracto de la presentación:

Natural disasters continue to be prevalent across the world. Tsunamis can impact regions surrounding the Ring of Fire and climate change is leading to more severe tropical cyclones. Global supply and demand is threatened as much of the world’s infrastructure is located on coastlines. To protect global supply and demand, we have conducted a detailed assessment of infrastructure along all of the U.S. coasts vulnerable to intense natural events. The Study also looked at major natural disasters effecting the petroleum industry across the globe.

This presentation addresses: what is vulnerable?  Are we resilient? What are the global impacts?

As a first step following Superstorm Sandy, an infrastructure reliability and resiliency study was conducted. For the study, various disaster impacts were examined to assess their resiliency to disruptions globally. Since then, the author has examined other effects such as sea level rise and high winds. The study also looked at both short-term and long-term global supply and demand disruptions. Additionally, past events and expertise were used to assess the probability and severity of resulting damage from a natural disaster. Assessments have helped develop mitigation strategies such as alternative routes, berms, communication and new storage options for coastal infrastructure.

Reliable and consistent petroleum supply to consumers is vital to the global economy. Our study highlights that any infrastructure disruption can cause severe global economic downturns.

The presentation focusses on the disruptions in the US and around the world. Case studies for significant disasters will be presented.


2. Segunda presentación

Baker Hughes – a GE Company - Ing. Jhonathan Pumarejo



Abstracto de la presentación:

 La Transformación Digital en el Sector de Petróleo y Gas implica un cambio de mentalidad en la forma en que se monitorea y optimiza la producción. La Digitalización es el paso necesario orientado a extender la vida útil de los sistemas de levantamiento, optimización de la producción y la minimización de la producción diferida.


3. Tercera Presentación

Baker Hughes – a GE Company - Msc. Karina Estrella



Abstracto de la presentación:

Se revisarán algunas aplicaciones de las herramientas y dispositivos de completación de pozos (ICD/ICV´s, Geoform, etc) aplicadas tanto local como regionalmente. Con el análisis y caracterización del reservorio se complementa un diseño que se ajuste a las condiciones del reservorio con el objetivo de optimizar la producción del pozo y de los yacimientos.




16h30    Registro

17h10    Bienvenida

17h15    Conferencia DL

17h50    Sesión de preguntas

18h00    Primera Charla Técnica

18h30    Sesión de preguntas

19h00    Segunda Charla Técnica

19h30    Sesión de preguntas

19h40   Clausura y Agradecimiento


Valor Miembros SPE:    USD 15,00

Valor No Miembros:      USD  25,00


* Incluye Coffee Break.

* Los Registros se cerrarán el miércoles 18 de septiembre a las 17h00.


Lugar:   Hotel Sheraton Quito

Día:       19 de septiembre 2019

Hora:    16h30

